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Work Samples

We are an experienced and responsible company with a huge satisfied clientele. Folowing are some of the samples of our normal Embroidery Digitizing (Punching) and Vector Art Services. First Gallery is showing work samples related to Embroidery Digitizing and later Gallery is showing work samples related to Vector Art Services and Color Separations.

The following gallery contains samples of almost all our services including Graphic Designing, Embroidery Digitizing, Vector Art Services and Color Separation Services but we have and can do much difficult / harder designs and the following are just to show you some examples of our work for your satisfaction:

Embroidery Digitizing Samples

Embroidery Digitizing Samples

Vector Arts Samples

Vector Arts Samples

Please click any of the above thumbnail images to view a larger version in pop-up window and click anywhere in pop-up to view next image easily.