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Pricing & Payment Options

It is our number one priority to make things easier for our clients because we really care for them. Not only we have made the embroidery digitizing and vectorizing order placing and retrieval system very easy but we have also enabled as much easier payment options as much we can. You will not be locked with just one payment option and you will be able to select desired payment option on every payment plus you will be able to pay some or all due invoices with just a few clicks. Or you can pay for all due invoices at the end of the month. This gives you the flexibility to pay after every invoice or for all orders at the end of the month or week. You will hardly find this flexibility with any other company because unlike other companies we really care for and think about our clients.

    Payment Options
    Following are the payment options currently available for all clients and we don't charge our clients in advance which meams you will pay us after receiving your orders:
  • All major Debit Cards and Credit Cards (Online / Offline)
    We ensure that your credit card information always remain safe and you never get any charges without your permission. Shopping with us is 100% safe and we will not charge you a single dollar without your permission or authorization. You can enter your card details securely at our website or you can call us to pay securely over the phone. Both options are equally good for us.
  • Fax or Email Orders
    Want to send us authorization via fax or email every time you want to make payment? Then this option is for you.
  • Phone Orders
    Make payment easily by calling a US phone number.
  • Paypal
    Everybody already seems to know about it.
  • Apple Pay & Google Pay
    You can pay via Google Pay or Apple Pay without sharing your credit card details.

  • We have all the famous payment options available for you. So please don't worry about the payment and start using our services today. We are confident that we will provide you the best services and quality.

    You can choose to pay after every order, weekly, every two weeks or monthly. All these payment terms are ok with us.

    Our Prices
    Please CLICK HERE to see the prices in detail. There are no hidden fees of any kind. You will be amazed by the low prices we are offering. Most clients usually ask that how can we provide such good quality at such lower rates maintaining such a quick turn around time? The answer is simple; by hiring more technical staff and doing more sales due to our superb offers and extra ordinary sales team. We invest in such employees who really care for our clients and feel happy to assist them.

    Please Note: If you can send us 20 or more orders in a month, we can lower the prices for you even more. Please don't hesitate to contact us for special discounts for high volume orders or any other queries.